What is most expedient for the Gospel?

Mark, a freelance digital marketer who is owning the mission of Jesus, asked a great question: What is most expedient for the advance of the Gospel?

Initially, we may think the answer to that question is a big church with lots of facilities and programs, or maybe a massive outreach campaign. But even the most church-saturated places and biggest crusades never reach all of society. We’ve yet to see the traditional structures of church result in an Acts 19 type movement, where "all of Asia heard the word of the Lord."

(In fact, those traditional structure usually emerge after the movement. More on that here.)

What if every believer in every workplace knew how to carry the message of the Gospel into that workplace? What if every follower of Jesus in every neighborhood was equipped to engage their neighbors, help them discover the truth through God’s word, and disciple the new believers God brings them?

What if every believer was intentionally doing so with a plan to make generations of disciples and to see churches reproducing and healthy?

That would be expedient for the advance of the Gospel. So Mark is in digital marketing and consistently pursuing church planting among the internationals living in his hometown. Maybe you should join him. (Literally, if you live in Oklahoma City.)

Or follow his example in Gospel expediency, joining the mission of Jesus wherever God has placed you.

2 Thessalonians 3:9 - We certainly had the right to ask you to feed us, but we wanted to give you an example to follow. Paul was worried about what was expedient for the Gospel, not what was convenient for him.


On the Border with Will and Oggie


Apostolic Church Planting by J.D. Payne