Mindset Shifts in Spent Matches

I’ve really enjoyed my conversations with C Anderson about the mindset shifts needed to pursue movement. As I was finishing up my interviews with her, I was reading the book Spent Matches by Roy Moran. Towards the end he has a section called “Ten Mind Shifts for Movements to Emerge.” I thought I would compare and contrast the two lists of mindset shifts.

C Anderson on DMM Frontiers Roy Moran in Spent Matches
* God Is At Work
* God Will Do It
* Enough for Fruit (We already have enough to see multiplication)
* Prayer is Ministry
* Ripe Harvest (There are people who are ripe for harvest everywhere.)
* Organic Gospel Spread
* Every Believer Involved * From trusting the qualified to releasing the willing.
* Discipling Disciple-Makers * From making disciples to making disciple-making disciples.
* Simple Training Works
* Always Start Groups * From individuals to groups
* God Loves All Cultures: There is not one "Christian way" to do things.
* From human reproduction to viral replication (How we perceive disciples should reproduce).
* From form to function (from planting churches to making disciple-making disciples
* From conversion to making discilpes
* From knowledge focused to obedience focused
* From thinking like a marketer to thinking like a revolutionary
From leading toward to leading from (ie: leading from the back of the room)
* From being a content provider to being a learning designer

Note: I kept the order of C. Anderson’s work (the same order in which I published the podcast episodes.) I don’t think either author intended them to be linear but I wanted you to know.

I actually thought that more of these would line up with each other, but I bolded the three that were nearly identical.

Have you noticed any themes in what you’ve been listening to or reading?


Responding to Crisis


Mindset Shift 12: God Loves All Cultures