A model couple for ministry

Aquila and Priscilla are overlooked coworkers of the Apostle Paul. This is unfortunate because they are amazing. What do we know about them?

• They regularly had churches in their home. (Romans 16:1, 1 Corinthians 16:19)

• They were “covocational” and worked for a living. (Acts 18:2-3)

• They went to lost people to engage them with the Gospel (The synagogue in Acts 18:26)

• They had the people skills and passion for the Gospel to correct leaders. (Apollos In Acts 18:25-28)

If the believing couples in American churches behaved this way, how much stronger would the American church be?

Here’s a simple to-do list based on the life of Aquila and Priscilla:

1) Realize your work is part of your ministry.

2) Go to where lost people are congregating.

3) Gather believers in your home for church.

4) Strengthen the leaders that God gives you.

Of those above, I think #2 is the biggest challenge due to the frenetic schedules we follow. Making time to go to where lost people are already meeting and spending enough time there to engage them in a meaningful way is not something you can fit into a 30-minute weekly time slot.

Which of the above could you put into practice right now?


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A conversation about the unreached in North America