A comparison of movements and institutions

I’m really enjoying the book “The Kingdom Unleashed”.

There was a great section on Movements vs Institutions that I wanted to put into a table format. Here it is:

Movements Institutions
"Movements are marked by a compelling vision." Simple and reproducible content and action serve the vision. "Institutions...are defined by a statment of purpose and are held together through rules and procedures."
The vision "is so compelling that it leads to a culture of sacrificial commitment and intrinsic rewards. Individuals put the vision ahead of their own interests and comfort." "In institutions, individuals have carefully defined rights, responsibilities, and compensation with external, measurable standards for determining success and failure."
"Movements are characterized by a stance of generous flexibility toward other organizations and people outside their own membership... The vision encourages sacrifice..." and cooperation. "Institutionalized organizations...are more committed to the importance of inherited practices, right procedures, and accredited persons."
"Movements spontaneously produce new ideas and leaders and grow from within." "Institutions by their nature are structured for longer-term durability and stability and are prone to resists risky new ideas."


Trousdale, Jerry, et al. The Kingdom Unleashed: How Jesus’ 1st-Century Kingdom Values Are Transforming Thousands of Cultures and Awakening His Church. DMM Library, 2018. p128.

In The Kingdom Unleashed the authors attribute this content to…

Keller, Timothy, and Timothy Keller. Serving a Movement: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City. Zondervan, 2016.

Timothy Keller was citing the work of Hugh Heclo.



A catalogue of books about Movements


The Metric Black Hole in movement work