Harvest Day 31: How do you do that again?

Tracking Day 31*
Teammates: 5
Places: Peoria, Tremont
Engaged: 19
Prayed For: 14
Gospel Shares: 9
Yellow Light - Scheduled Follow Up: 4
Green Light (New Believer):
Christian: 4
Training/Discipleship: 2

*Note: This was a combination of a few harvest times.

I was reminded of the power of modeling IN training over a workshop or classroom format.  I trained two people and then engaged visitors to a local thrift store for an hour and half total. Those two that I trained were able to see a few Gospel shares, practice initiating spiritual conversations, and see God who up in those conversations.  In an hour and half workshop with 50 people, the results are about the same, only 2 of them take it and do something with it.

As I wrapped up time with one young believer he said: "How do you do that again?" "Do what?" "You know, like ask 'em to a Bible study or something."
So I said: "How about I show you again, is there anyone in this park you want me to approach?"

So he pointed out a couple people... We walked through 3 Questions to get to the Gospel, and then set up a Discovery Bible study with one of them.
In the follow up harvest time, he showed up to the Bible study (which went great with the three of us!) and then, as we were leaving, we were approached by a 4th person who said "Would you pray for me?" We did and invited him to join us the following week!

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