Day 23 Report

Tracking Day 23
Teammates: 2
Places: Peoria, Pekin
Engaged: 17
Prayed For: 9
Gospel Shares: 1
Yellow Light - Scheduled Follow Up: 1
Green Light (New Believer):
Christian: 8
Trained: 6

At lunch today I trained on discovery Bible studies, which is 5 of the Engaged, Christian and Trained in the count above.

In the morning my teammate and I attempted a follow up Discovery Bible Study and the person wasn't home. But we still engaged others and ended up with another yellow light where we can come back and attempt to lead a Bible study the next week.

The afternoon was unsuccessful in one sense as we didn't have any Gospel shares. But it was exactly what God wanted for us in another sense: I ran into a couple of old friends that had just received some discouraging news. They welcomed prayer and we were an encouragement to them.

Day 24 Report: Eyes to See


Disciple: Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato