Day 22 Report

Tracking Day 22*
Teammates: 2
Places: Peoria
Engaged: 10
Prayed For: 6
Gospel Shares: 6
Yellow Light - Scheduled Follow Up: 2
Green Light (New Believer):
Christian: 3
Scheduled Training or Discipleship: 2

*This was a combination of a few harvest times.

The COOLEST thing ever was a teammate I had taken into the harvest on Days 8 and Day 17 ran his own harvest time between Day 17 and now!  He casually let me know he took 3 people out to share the Gospel and had 2 follow-up appointments from it. I hadn't asked him to, told him to, or anything.

Also with that same teammate I had a crazy follow up visit. Seriously crazy. The two guys in the house were not the guy we had met before. It ended when a van pulled up with people yelling in it... but we mostly got the Gospel out, so we'll pray for a longer, smoother conversation when we return.

Disciple: Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato


Day 21 Report: Aurora