Day 19 Report: Let Scripture Teach

Tracking Day 19*
Teammates: 2
Places: Pekin
Engaged: 6
Prayed For: 3
Gospel Shares: 1
Yellow Light - Scheduled Follow Up:
Green Light (New Believer):
Christian: 3
Scheduled Training or Discipleship: 3

*Today combined a few follow up studies with a half day of harvest time.

There was a lower number of engagements today as I had several follow up Bible studies scheduled. I'm learning:

  • to keep things simple: Time in the harvest helps you see that complicated tools and or methods won't work.
  • Scripture can teach! It is one of the most refreshing things to see a young believer ask a deep question, and then answer it correctly from Scripture. (Maybe more correctly than your average church goer!)
  • to continue sifting for a person of peace. I was ghosted by a couple people today for a follow up. I'll continue to pray and maybe reach out again, but I've also seen those that when God is moving in someone's life they seek you out after that initial encounter. 

Three Responses to the Gospel with Matt Altizer


Day 18 Report: Small Towns