Day 7 Report: 40 Days in the Harvest

Today was a follow-up day in LaSalle from Day 5. To be honest, it wasn't as fruitful as the previous visit. We were able to connect with one person, but unable to actually meet with him. Unlike the previous time, the offer of prayer did not lead to many spiritual conversations.

As Jacob and I debriefed, he said something really helpful: The harvest is a filter for faithful Timothy's. People that are willing to join you in cold-call evangelism (even if they are terrified doing it) are showing a specific interest in the missionary task of reaching the lost.

We've also had some great conversations when leading with an interview format. "We're here learning the spiritual climate of the area, would you be interested in asking 5 questions?" It leads to some great conversations and people are very open to an interview (When you ask if you can record it, everyone says yes! I think they want to be a YouTube sensation).  However, offering prayer is a more reproducible way to engage the lost as it can work in many contexts (reaching your oikos, house of peace search, as you go interactions, etc.)

Tracking Day 7
Teammates: 1
Places: LaSalle, Pekin
Engaged: 15
Prayed For: 3
Gospel Shares: 3
Yellow Light - Scheduled Follow Up: 3
Green Light (New Believer): 0
Christian: 3
Scheduled Training: 2


Day 8 Report: 40 Days in the Harvest


Gospel: Share your Story in 15 Seconds