Day 10 Report: Prayer & Follow Ups

Tracking Day 10 
Teammates: 0
Places: Peoria, Pekin
Engaged: 10  (2 were believers, 3 were scheduled follow ups)
Prayed For: 3
Gospel Shares: 3
Yellow Light - Scheduled Follow Up: 3
Green Light (New Believer): 0 (but 1 oh-so-close!)
Christian: 2
Scheduled Training: 2

I had my prayer partners pray that the people I had meetings scheduled with would fulfill them and God showed up! Five out of five!

I had challenged an agnostic to read Ecclesiastes between our meetings and he did! He appreciated the cynicism but also applied it to his own life: "While things are pretty good for me, I still feel like somethings missing." This is someone who doesn't believe in the miracles of the Bible and sees everything as a metaphor.

I re-shared the Gospel with someone I had met on Day 8. He seems to comprehend the Gospel message and I asked what was keeping him from turning and believing in Jesus. He said, "I guess I still have some questions. Maybe I need a Bible study or to go to church."  I offered to meet with him for a Bible study and he said yes!

Day 11 Report: The Power of a Team


Gospel: Three Circles with Kenton Killebrew of Global Gates