What does #No Place Left mean? Steve Addison shares.

I took a short class to learn how to podcast and one of the assignments was to brainstorm a top 10 list of people you'd like to interview. We were supposed to start with our most 'gettable' guest and then guests 9 or 10 would be the difficult ones to track down.  Despite being farther down my list, Steve Addison was kind enough to do an interview and it felt like a perfect fit for my first episode.

Steve is an author of several books on movements, as well as a blogger, podcaster.  He also leads a missionary organization focused on multiplying disciples and churches AND puts the tools he teaches into practice himself. I have been totally spoiled by his interest in jumping in for my first episode.


The Brutal Facts with Dale Losch


On the Road to #NPL - Season 1 Trailer