Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos

A few thoughts and points from Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos:

Quotable: "Let's be frank, Matt. The real Jesus is inconvenient. He doesn't always show up when you call. He asks for unreasonable things. He frightens people. He can be immensely frustrating. But you can still serve him while working with an imaginary Jesus."
What I Liked: This book was hilarious, crazy and convicting all at the same time. It's a short, smart and worthwhile read. You jump into it thinking, "this is a little bazaar" but by about 1/3 of the way through you're hooked: Who is the real Jesus? Can Matt find him?
I don't want to spoil more of the story than that.  Most of all I like that this book bought me face to face with the fact that my version of Jesus is often not the real one.  (Coming next post I'll describe two Imaginary Jesuses that the author didn't mention but I spend too much time with myself.)
What I Didn't Like: There's not much I don't like here. It does take a few chapters to even figure out what is going on, and some of that might be the author's writing style. But that same style helps the story immensely too.
2012 Personal Impact Ranking: 1. Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos*
2. A Resilient Life by Gordon MacDonald*
3. Great by Choice by Jim Collins and Morten Hansen
4. Margin by Richard Swenson*
5. Where's God on Monday? by Alistair Mackenzie and Wayne Kirkland*
6. Revolution in World Missions by KP Yohannan*

*I own this book and you're welcome to borrow it.  Just ask.


My Imaginary Jesuses


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